..Hey, hornbillianz!! Eevern here..
Haiz..2009 might be the last year for all of us here..it will be emotional as I had been in Hornbill since I was in Form One..just wanna tell all my classmates how much u guys meant 2 me..when I am down and sad, all of u will cheer me up and when i am happy, all my happiness will be share wit all of u..
Thinking back bout da days when we were 2gether were great..we are all so energetic, cooperative (hehe) n alwiz laughing no matter wat happen..n oso our 'mum', Suraya a.k.a. Sue, with her 16 husbands, 1 fiancee n 6 Malaysia boyfrens if I am not wrong..She had been really great n she is da best 'mum', fren and monitor anyone could ever hv..
And one more thing, I never regret tat I was in tis class, I am always lookin 4ward to cum 2 skul jz 2 be wit my group of frens and class..I REALLY LOVE ALL OF YOU, HORNBILLIANZ a.k.a HORNY HORNBILLS, WE ROCKZZZ!! haha..I could never ask for a better class than this..n honestly, tis class is da best class tat I had ever have compared to when I was in primary..
Lastly, everyone..HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! WILL MISS ALL OF YOU N DUN STUDY TOO HARD, HV FUN N HV A LIFE MAN..(tis sentence is post to sum1 if u noe hu i meant..haha)
I will include sum of all da pics tat I hv..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Why I love being in 3 HORNBILL...
Crapped By 3 Hornbill 2009 at 10:59 PM